Learning and Outreach
*Update for our customers – Welcome back, we’ve missed you!!*
Our temporary opening hours are 10am to 4pm on Wednesdays through to Sunday. You won’t need to book a slot to visit, but we will be monitoring numbers on site to ensure that there’s plenty of space for people to physically distance from each other. Please call us if you’re a large group and we can advise further.

The Dylan Thomas Centre runs a lively and engaging programme of learning and outreach work. As well as offering tours of our exhibition, and talks and workshops on Dylan Thomas’ work at the Centre and in the community, we deliver one-off projects such as the following:
- Dylan Thomas Community School Poetry Workshops
- Literacy Through Comics with Danygraig Primary School
- ‘Love the Words – and the Photos’ Project with Morriston Hospital
- Young Writers Squads
- 4-Site

Dylan Thomas Community School Poetry Workshops
Over the last two years, we’ve worked with poet Emily Hinshelwood to deliver poetry workshops with Dylan Thomas School pupils and Year 5 pupils from their feeder schools. The groups meet each Friday during term time, with the majority of sessions being delivered in the Centre’s Learning Space, and using the exhibition as a resource.
In 2016, we also ran a project with OWL pupils (Other Ways of Learning) from Dylan Thomas School, where participants explore our exhibition, tour Dylan’s Swansea and take relevant photographs based on their experience and Dylan’s.
Literacy Through Comics with Danygraig Primary School

This project focused on addressing the literacy gap between boys and girls at the school. Year 5 boys worked with our Learning Officer, and writer and illustrator Sion Tomos Owen, to write and illustrate their own comic books and take part in a range of creative writing exercises. School staff reported improved literacy and greater self-confidence amongst the boys, and their fathers and grandfathers also enjoyed participating in one session. A number of the boys have now joined our Young Writers Squad as a result of this project.
‘Love the Words – and the Photos’ Project with Morriston Hospital

In the course of this photography project, participants were encouraged to create personal photos inspired by Dylan Thomas which told intimate stories of contemporary life in Swansea. The participants are patients of the Traumatic Brain Injury Unit at Morriston Hospital and used photography as a support for rebuilding memory. The project culminated in a public exhibition of the work created.
Young Writers Squads
We run two Young Writers Squads, one for years 5 & 6 pupils, and another for 11-16 year olds.
The Dylan Thomas Centre is part of City & County of Swansea’s 4-Site progamme for schools. Find out more about our schools and learning projects, or please contact: dylanthomas.lit@swansea.gov.uk

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