The TRUE Legend of Swansea Jack!: A Creative Writing Workshop with Emily Vanderploeg

10:30 am - 4:00 pm
10.30am – 12.30pm | Swansea Central Library
2pm – 4pm | Morriston Library
A Young Writers Squad Outreach Session from the Dylan Thomas Centre, Fusion and Swansea Libraries.
Perhaps you’ve heard the story of Swansea’s most heroic pup, (who saved over 25 lives!), but what about the rest of his brave and daring deeds? Help us uncover the true history of Swansea’s other most famous son and join us for a free family writing workshop this Easter holiday!
Younger children will enjoy working with their parents/carers on creating comic strips about the great Swansea Jack (bring your best, most fantastic drawing AND writing skills and ideas along)… while older children can create their own extended stories – drawing optional!
Fun for families with children of all ages.
Free entry.
For more information, please contact the Dylan Thomas Centre on 01792 463980.
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