Itchy Fingers

15/08/2014 - 20/09/2014
All Day
Taliesin Arts Centre
Preview:- Friday 15th August 6pm-8pm
Gallery opening times:
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm,
Sat 10am-1pm, 1.30pm-4pm (later on Taliesin performance evenings)
The Dylan Thomas exhibition from the artists of the Itchy Fingers Group brings together an exploration of his life, loves, poetry and prose through the medium of textiles. Individuals have used print, appliqué, felt-making, hand and machine embroidery and worked with recycled fabric, paint, paper and wire, creating a diverse portrayal of this complex man, his work and life. Central to the exhibition is Llareggub, a group project, which is a 3D exploration of the village from Under Milk Wood crowned with the imposing house of Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard at the top of the town.
Free admission
Further information :- – – 01792 295526