Science Café: Free as a bird? A life ruled by fickle airscapes

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Dylan Thomas Centre
We are delighted that the final Science Café talk before our summer break will by Dr Emily Shepard, Swansea University.
Anyone who has ever been in a plane knows that flying conditions vary depending on when and where you fly. The plane ride might be bumpy if you are going through turbulence, it might be faster or slower depending on whether the wind is with you or against you.
This is the world in which billions of birds live and move. There is still a lot that we don’t yet understand about how birds respond to the aerial environment.
This talk will take a look at why we need to understand more and focuses in particular on some recent research on the Andean condor – a remarkable species that is utterly dependent on the movements of the air in order to fly.
The Swansea Science Café offers opportunities for anyone to find out more about new, exciting and topical areas of science. Designed to be informal and entertaining, entry is free and talks start at 7:30 pm at the Dylan Thomas Centre.