Dylan Thomas National Poetry Day Event

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Dylan Thomas Centre
National Poetry Day is held every year on the first Thursday in October. This year’s theme is “Remember” and being the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dylan Thomas it is appropriate that we remember his works.
We are delighted that the eminent poet, Paul Henry, will provide readings of Dylan’s works and we will also be launching a recommended reading list of Dylan Thomas’ works. This has involved all the libraries in Wales working together, alongside the Welsh Books Council and the Dylan Thomas Centre, with support from Dylan Thomas 100.
The basic concept of the reading list is to highlight and raise awareness of Dylan’s work for library and potentially non library users throughout Wales, and act as a promotional tool for libraries and our partners. It will also support the Dylan Thomas Centre’s new HLF-funded travelling exhibition, which will tour the libraries of Wales over the next 18 months,
There will also be an opportunity to look at the new Dylan Thomas Manuscripts Exhibition. This exhibition comprises manuscripts of poems, including a draft of ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’, a list of rhyming words and a facsimile of ‘Fern Hill’ with a crossword written out on it.
The display also includes a series of black and white photographs of Dylan Thomas, many of which have not been widely displayed or reproduced. Some date from the late 1930s when he is newly married, while the second set was taken in New York in the early 50s. These items shed light on both his writing process and his playfulness and are on loan from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
You are invited to join us at the Dylan Thomas Centre on Thursday, October 2nd 2014 at 3.00pm. Light refreshments will be provided.
RSVP to steve.hardman@swansea.gov.uk
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