Gwyl Dylan Thomas

27/10/2013 - 09/11/2013
7:30 pm
Canolfan Dylan Thomas
Cynnwys Cymraeg yn dod yn fuan.
Highlights include the launch of a new Dylan Thomas centenary commission from Gillian Clarke; Doctor Who Day, a celebration of Doctor Who’s fiftieth anniversary with talks, events, special guests including Louise Jameson, workshops and Daleks. We’ll present an evening on The Killing, featuring two of the biggest names writing about it: crime and mystery novelist David Hewson and Emma Kennedy, author of The Killing Handbook.
Fluellen offer a preview of their production of Rebecca’s Daughters, John Goodby discusses his new critical study of Dylan’s poetry, and there will be readings from Dylan’s work in his old local, The Uplands Tavern. And don’t miss a special event when the Festival and Bluestocking Lounge join forces to present ‘Wordy Shapes of Women’: a night in which burlesque collides with Dylan’s poetry.
The full programme is available at