Category: Blog
Dylan Thomas – Live at the YMCA Swansea
Dylan Thomas – Live at the YMCA. The exhibition will run at The Dylan Thomas Centre between 8 February and 30 April.
Ralph Ellison in Swansea
Ralph Ellison (1913-1994) the African American writer, critic and scholar, is best known for his acclaimed novel, Invisible Man, and for his short stories. He served in the merchant marine as second cook and baker from 1943-45, aiming to contribute …
Under Milk Wood’s Mr Mog Edwards and Miss Myfanwy Price
The Dylan Thomas Centre’s Linda Evans explores at the relationship between two residents of Llareggub, Mog Edwards and Myfanwy Price, which thrives on their never actually being together.
‘Return Journey’ and the Three Nights Blitz
‘You remember Ben Evans’s stores? It’s right next door to that. Ben Evans isn’t there either…’ From 19 to 21 February 1941, Swansea endured a series of heavy bombing raids, which devastated Dylan’s ‘ugly, lovely town’. Over the course of …