Dylan fun set to inspire Swansea’s young citizens

Swansea’s youngest writers will be inspired by the talent and skills of Dylan Thomas over the next two weekends.
The Dylan Thomas Centre plans a range of free events to mark International Dylan Thomas Day.
They include get-togethers especially for those aged 8-16 and for families.
Robert Francis-Davies, the Council’s cabinet member for Investment, Regeneration and Tourism, said: “As we celebrate our first 50 years as a city, it’s right that we honour one of Swansea’s world-class talents.
“We can all take inspiration from Thomas’s incredible literary skills – and our Dylan Day activities this year focus on inspiring creativity in young people. I really hope that young people and families visit the Dylan Thomas Centre to have a great time being creative.”
International Dylan Thomas Day highlights the life and work of the writer. It is held each year on May 14, the anniversary of the first stage reading of his play Under Milk Wood, in New York 66 years ago.

This Saturday, May 11, the Dylan Thomas Centre hosts a free Young Writers Squad gathering from 10am. Two sessions will be run by Swansea writer Rebecca F John.
Sunday, May 12, and Sunday, May 19, see the centre host free self-led drop-in play sessions for families from 10am-4pm. The centre’s family-friendly Learning Space will be open for activities such as creative writing, puppetry, games, reading, crafts and dressing up – all inspired by Dylan Thomas.
On Saturday, May 18, there will be a free Young Writers Squad event for those aged 8-11 from 10am. This will take the form of a fun and engaging creative writing workshop with writer, broadcaster and artist Siôn Tomos Owen.
Forthcoming Dylan Thomas Centre events in half-term include family self-led creative activities throughout the week, a guided tour of Dylan’s Swansea by the Fluellen Theatre Company on Sunday, May 26 and a story maps family workshop on Tuesday, May 28.

Another city centre council venue, the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, also plans some Dylan-themed fun. The Glynn Vivian at Night event on May 24 (5-8pm) will help showcase the ongoing exhibition Dylan Thomas: Music of Colour and the Dylan Thomas Centre team will also be running a hands-on poetry workshop.
For more information visit dylanthomas.com/events