Diolch Nigel Jenkins

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Swansea University

Join staff, students, and the people of Swansea in saying ‘thank you’ to the Swansea poet and writer, Nigel Jenkins. With presentations in the forms of music, poetry, and tales told by friends, the event will look at the way Nigel shaped the lives of those around him, and how he is remembered by those he knew.


There will also be an opportunity to purchase copies of ‘Encounters with Nigel’, by Jon Gower (editor) and Ali Anwar (publisher).

This will be hosted in Faraday Lecture Theatre.

Convened by Stevie Davies with D. J. Britton.

Presentations by:

John Spurr

Delyth and Angharad Jenkins

Sarah Coles

Rhys Owain Williams

Dr Emily Vanderploeg

Dr. Alan Kellerman

Professor John Goodby

Nia Davies of Poetry Wales for Robin Ngangnom

Professor Huw Bowen

Ali Anwar

Margot Morgan


Please register to attend by contacting Helen Snaith at diolchnigeljenkins@gmail.com


Although this is a free event and is open to all members of the public, contributions to the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund are very welcome. Donations can be made via Stevie Davies http://www.justgiving.com/Stevie-Davies2 who is raising money for the charity, in memory of Nigel.